I enjoyed my gorgeous evening out photographing this brother-sister duo so much! The weather was perfect, these two were wonderful, and our location was stunning. I’m super grateful to their mom and dad for asking me to photograph their children two years in a row. After getting these images home, I looked back on last year’s gallery and couldn’t believe how much these two had grown and changed in just one year. They are seriously great kids… so kind, respectful, and flexible. I love spending time with families like this! So, I hope you enjoy looking at these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking and editing them!
Time for a few individual photos….
A few more individual shots. I love how her red plaid dress popped against this incredible backdrop.
This next one… definitely in my top five! Man, I love their expressions!
Awww…. showing that sibling-love for me! Thanks, guys!
…And of course we can’t forget the third child in the family! Who’s excited to have her picture taken?!?!
Once again, my sincere thanks to all of you for being such wonderful clients! Getting to be a photographer seriously thrills me. I love taking the pictures, I love editing the pictures, and I love sharing the pictures! I very much appreciate all my clients who allow me to do something that I love so much. Happy Autumn, everyone!