My photography journey is certainly not unique. I've always loved to snap pictures of everything my family does, especially after my daughter was born in 2013. YIKES. Admittedly, I can get a *bit* out of control during holidays and family vacations, but my loving husband and daughter have learned to tolerate my obsession... and they're always thankful later that I have such a great record of our year.
Anyway, I've always used little Canon point-and-shoot cameras. When my dad bought me a Canon Rebel T3 in 2011, I thought I was in Heaven! (See photo of much younger, very excited self.) I couldn't believe how amazing it was and how much it could DO! In the spring of 2016, I decided to take a photography class at the KIA and learned to manipulate the manual settings on that same Canon Rebel. In the process, my enthusiasm for photography grew by leaps and bounds, especially after getting my "good lens" - a "nifty fifty" (50mm fixed lens) as our quirky instructor called it. Oh my WORD, it was an amazing experience. Once again, I was just floored by what I was learning and how much better I could be. The world of beautiful photography opened up before me in ways I never imagined... and it seemed possible that I could be part of making those beautiful pictures for people! Instantly, before the class session had even finished, I knew I wanted to try my hand at starting a photography business. (More on my first shoot later...) It seemed crazy and it seemed random, but it was a very real passion that was sparked instantly and, unlike most of my other wildly enthusiastic ideas, hasn't faded yet.
Fast forward two years, and I have so many friends and acquaintances to thank in helping me come to this place where I feel like Erin Sutherland Photography could actually become something. It's hard to be patient... it's hard to be confident... but it's also impossible for me to not love every aspect of every photo shoot I do. It's that enthusiasm I feel, from the initial scheduling conversation to the shoot itself, and even all the editing and posting afterwards, that tells me I should keep going and not give up. I enjoy it too much and it makes me so happy!
So... here we go... onward in the professional photographer's journey.